Memphis, TN: Wedding!

Two facts about me: I love LOVE! & I love weddings!

…which is the ultimate reason why my husband and I attended Memphis, TN in the first place (read more about our wonderful trip here). This glamourous occasion was EVERYTHING! I’ve been to a slew of weddings: big weddings, small weddings, simple weddings, lavish weddings, etc. But this wedding was by far the most extravagant I’ve ever been to.

What made it so extravagant was the reception. The wedding ceremony was beautiful, but I’ve never been to a reception like the one we attended last weekend.

It was held at a theatre, and they had their names in the marquee and their engagement photos in the movie poster display case. Not only that, but they had endless hor d’oeuvres rotating around the floor! Among other stylish features, it was definitely an event that I will never forget!

The reception was invitation only. On the invitation, it was noted that “fly and flashy attire is a must”. I don’t know about the flashy part, but my husband and I sure were fly 🙂 I didn’t buy anything new for the wedding, and you have actually seen what I decided to wear before! (Please see Convention|District Night for a full review). I figured this dress was perfect for an evening affair because of the beautifully detailed lace work that beautifies and accentuates the dress.


I accessorized my dress with my nude Steve Madden pumps and a beautiful gold and black clutch purse that I purchased from a little boutique downtown Philadelphia.

My husband was wearing his royal blue three piece suit looking absolutely marvelous! I love him so much 🙂


Of course, I was definitely the “different one” of the bunch that attended the reception. But that’s one of the beautiful sacrifices of living holy. You’re not always going to blend in! A lot of times you will be the only one: whether that be the only one covered up, the only one who is not cursing, the only one without a cup in your hand, etc. But that’s ok 🙂 Recognize that you are absolutely stunning just how God made you to be. Our bishop always encourages us to “be the thing”. When that “thing” is really in you, it doesn’t turn off for anything!

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” -Romans 12:1 KJV ❤️

With Love,

The Modest Mom


Memphis, TN: Sunday Morning

Hello loves!

I know, I know…it has definitely been a while.

But, I’m back!

My husband and I are just getting back from a short little getaway to Memphis, Tennessee. Although it was definitely a leisure trip, I feel like my husband and I accomplished so much that we planned to do-as if it was for business! I came back to Philadelphia so inspired to do more and work harder! I just loved every bit of our little getaway 🙂

Sunday morning, we worshipped with his good friend, Pastor Reginald Boyce and the members of Riverside “The River” Missionary Baptist Church. We had such a lovely time!

I wore a black, long sleeve flounce top along with my blue pleated maxi skirt to the service. This was an “impromptu” outfit, y’all! But let me tell you, I loved it so so much!


I purchased my black top from a store called Rainbow. Funny thing is, I don’t believe that I’ve ever purchased anything from this store before. I know that I have only probably been in the store like one or two times. But anyways, I’m glad I went in there when I did because I had been looking for a long sleeve flounce top for the longest!

I actually purchased this shirt in Memphis as my husband and I were just hanging out and shopping around the city. I only paid between $3.50 and $4 for this shirt-crazy, right?!

I paired this black top with my blue, pleated BCBG skirt. Please see Convention-First Full Day! for a full review of this beautiful skirt.

I accessorized my outfit with my Dooney & Bourke mustard and cognac brown crossover. This purse actually belongs to my mommy, but she never wears it. She has so many Dooney crossovers that she never wears, so I just help myself to them when needed 🙂


Lastly, I just wore my grey, suede ballet heels  to add a bit of color contrast since everything else was dark. Please see Casual Dressy ❤️for more details about these darling block heels!

We had such an awesome time in Memphis this weekend! Stay tuned if you would like to see more outfits from our little getaway to this awesome city!

With Love,

The Modest Mom

Children’s Clothing Review|Convention

Happy Monday!

During the week of convention, I barely took any pictures of the boys 😦 Unfortunately, I was only able to capture one night-District night. ** Please read Convention|District Night for more details**

This is my first review for children’s dress attire. I love to dress the boys up for church services because I put so much effort into the process! This evening, as mentioned in the District Night post, the color for the men was blue with a touch of pink. So the boys were dressed according to that color scheme.


Wynton is wearing a grey paisley patterned vest. I love how the designer incorporated the pink and blue striped pocket handkerchief with the design of the vest.

I actually came across this vest by accident at Burlington. The vest was hanging alone on the rack, all by itself-no pants or dress shirt. I actually purchased this vest before I even knew what the chosen District Night colors were! This vest was so cute, so I couldn’t pass it up! I believe it was only around $8. I know I didn’t pay anymore than $10. As cute as it is, I know I wasn’t paying any more than that for just a vest.

Under Wynton’s vest is a light blue dress shirt with a white collar and white cuffs to bring out the blue paisley. This shirt came with another suit, but I rarely ever (probably, never) match the suits according to how the company originally matches the pieces.

*Tip: Do you know how many different outfits you could make by switching around those cute three piece suits for your little one? I switch up the pants, vest, and dress shirt so often that I don’t even remember how they originally came.


The boys have so many black, blue, and brown pants and vests-they all look alike! I rarely know where they came from. I just throw on the shade that matches the best.

My point is…I don’t know where these navy blue pants came from.

I paired Wynton’s outfit with this plain navy blue bow tie. I kept the tie simple because his vest and dress shirt combination was already carefully coordinated. I didn’t want it to turn from fly…to a fashion frenzy!


Remember what I said about those blue, black, and brown suit pieces?

…I don’t remember where I purchased Aviram’s vest or pants.

HOWEVER!!!! If you are looking to buy a blue suit for your little one…you all know where to go…Burlington!

I chose to dress Aviram a little more conservative than Wynton because of the bow tie that I chose for him. For his outfit, I picked the tie out first and dressed around it.

I believed this blue gingham print dress shirt best matched the outfit not only because of the color scheme that I was sticking to, but it matched the conservative style theme that I was going for as well.

Avi’s blue and pink bold striped bow tie is from a little children’s boutique called Janie & Jack! I love this store!

If I could, I would purchase every single article of clothing that they offer for toddler boys-pants, blazers..EVERYTHING 🙂

…and then I woke up!

I love purchasing accessories from Janie & Jack (i.e. ties, socks, hats, etc.) because of their conservative prints. I think I paid $6 or $7 for this bow tie. I don’t usually pay too much of anything whenever I make a purchase from Janie & Jack because I like to catch them at the closeout of the season-that’s when the sales are the best 🙂

Stay tuned for more reviews on boys clothing!

Also, follow their little fun and eventful lives on Instagram @fatandstinky ❤️

I love you all and thank you so much for reading!

With Love,

The Modest Mom

Modest Mom Monday!

Happy Monday! I pray that you all had a wonderful weekend-I surely did! I’m still recovering from Convention…AND, my family and I are just returning from vacation-so, I’m exhausted! None the less, the Lord is good!

I would like to introduce to you our Modest Mom for the month of July-Missionary Beth Thomas!


Since I first met Missionary Thomas, she has always been so kind and genuine. Every time I see her at a fellowship between our churches, she is always dressed dressed with a beautiful smile and lovely attire! I absolutely adore her consistency in style! I also love how she is current and fashion forward. When I see her, she is always upholding the standard that we live by-and still sporting her beautiful clothes!


How would you describe your style?

I describe my style as just being me: comfortable, fun, and classy. Most of my clothes and hats I wear are geared towards a vintage look. I like it because of how classy the women were back long ago. You can look beautiful…and covered! Many people think you have to show some cleavage or wear something tight or short, but you can be totally covered and still feel beautiful.

Did you always dress modestly?

I did not always dress modestly. Of course, being a Caribbean woman, we dressed to stay cool. We were not worried about looking modest and definitely not worried about covering up. I was also a tomboy hanging with my two brothers and their friends, so I did not wear skirts and dresses too much. But, when Christ found me, he literally delivered me from pants and I never looked back. I love skirts and dresses!

Have you noticed a change in your journey through modest living?

I found that I went from one extreme to another. I got saved and for a while I wore what I had. But, when I was able to buy clothes, I started buying suits that made me look very old because I was buying them so big that they would hang off of me. People will make you feel like you are more sanctified because you dress this way, but I quickly realized it was not me and I can be sanctified as long as I obey the word.

Do you make any of your clothing? Or do you purchase them all?

When I lived in Toronto I designed a few of my dresses and had my seamstress make them. I enjoy the feedback from the sisters when I design my own clothes. Now, I purchase my clothes. My husband also took the time to learn my style and now he purchases clothing for me.

What are your hobbies?

I love to cook! I grew up watching my mother, grandmother, and aunts cook and bake all the time. I enjoy learning how to cook from different ethnicities, too! Also, I enjoy watching the cooking channel all the time. I like to go in the kitchen and mimic what I have seen. My family loves it! I also fell in love with the French language when I moved to Toronto; it is required to learn it in school. When I moved here I lost a lot of it, so I spend my time teaching myself French again. I also love interior decorating! I just decorated my new home. I get complimented by all who visit, so much so that they end up asking me to decorate their homes as well! Most of all, I love doing God’s work-planning things for church, family, or friends gives me a lot of joy.

❤️ The Modest Mom


Hi Ladies!

I apologize for being delayed, but I was so tired! I still am 😦 BUT, I promised you all a complete set of outfit reviews, and I try my best to be a woman of my word…so here is my last outfit review for Saturday.

Sunday School and Youth Convention concluded last night and what a mighty time we had! Don’t get me wrong, convention is always good-but it was something about this one! It’s like every night was better and better 🙂


During the day, I wore a pink bell sleeve top I purchased from Primark. This top was only $7. I think this little shirt is so cute and simple! They have one in almost every color! I may be going back for more colors because this shirt can go with anything without being TOO basic. The bell sleeve adds just the right amount of flare and pizazz.

I wore this cute top with my metallic grey/plum pleated skirt. I purchased this skirt from Burlington for about $12. This skirt is so cute! It can be dressed up or down and not lose its elegance.

I paired my black Tory Burch flats with this outfit. Just because I wanted to wear something cute, yet comfortable on my feet because I had another engagement to attend after the day session.


Tonight, I wore my new 3/4 length sleeve dress that I purchased from Dainty Jewell’s. I absolutely adore everything about this dress! Everything from the high ruffled neckline to the mid calf length screams MODESTY!

This pink, yellow, and green dress is very lovely! I love how Dainty Jewell’s presents it online for their consumers, but it’s even more beautiful in real life! The material of this dress is very light and flowy. Perfect for humid evenings, such as tonight. The perfect touch to the dress are the pearl buttons on the back of the dress.


As I mentioned in my last post, I will give a review for Dainty Jewells in another post; but, this brand is so wonderful because it is actually made for those who desire to dress according to a certain standard. The fit of the bodice isn’t  meant for snug fitting, and the lengths of the garments are just right!

I paired this dress with my coral Steve Madden pumps. You have seen these shoes before. I felt these shoes matched perfectly with this dress.

Convention is over. Most of the saints are on their way home. But the word that we received this past week continues to rest in my soul. I thank God for how he blessed the services and I look forward to seeing everyone again in South Carolina for General Convention in October!

With Love,

The Modest Mom

Convention|District Night

Today was the most casual day out of all, t-shirt day. So for the day service, I wore my convention tee, and a pleated skirt…again 🙂

As a woman in Holiness, I always love to set a difference in everything I do. Being that these shirts are unisex in style, I decided to add a feminine flare by rolling my sleeves up.

I wore a metallic/dark grey pleated skirt. I actually thrifted this skirt at a high end consignment shop in Ardmore, PA called Clothes Mentor. This store was recommended to me by one of the saints by way of our National Mother. So I HAD to check this store out 🙂 Phenomenal!

The skirt is J. Crew, which is not high end, it’s actually pretty mainstream; but, I got this skirt for a steal-so I had to purchase it, of course!

I sported my grey short heeled ballet shoes.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get a picture of myself in my casual attire. But I was able to take a picture of my evening attire.

Sis. Daisha & I! I love her ❤️

Tonight was district night. District night is one of the most anticipated nights of convention. Every church chooses colors for their congregation to wear, and we all come together and march down the aisle church by church. This year, my church decided to wear blue with a touch of pink for the men and pink with a touch of blue for the women.

I purchased my blush colored dress from my favorite online dress boutique, Dainty Jewells. Dainty Jewells calls this dress English Rosemary. This elegant dress is my favorite dress from this week! I was so excited to wear it!


My favorite thing about this dress is the combination of chiffon and lace. Not too much, not too little 🙂 The designers arranged it perfectly! I also love how this dress meets to the standard of Holiness right to the core! The high neckline on this dress is everything!

I wanted to find some satin royal blue pumps for tonight, but I couldn’t find any within my budget, unfortunately. So I worked with what I already had and wore my nude color patent leather Steve Madden pumps with the bow on top.

My touch of blue was this little blue brooch, of course!

Stay tuned for a Dainty Jewells review!

With Love,

The Modest Mom


Convention-First Full Day!

What a FULL day! Wow!

Everything about this first full day of convention was extraordinary!


For the day service, I wore a pretty yellow top with regular short sleeves, like a t shirt, with a ruffle around both shoulders. The ruffles give the appearance of a cap sleeve, but the other half of the sleeve peeks out from under ruffle.

My shirt was purchased from Primark. This is a fairly new store to Philadelphia. I am not sure how long this store has been in the United States, but it originated in Ireland. I love the different styles that are offered from this store…I also love the prices 🙂 If you’re searching for something of quality, I wouldn’t make this your first stop. However, if you are looking for something “quick”, cute, and cheap, I would suggest finding your nearest Primark 🙂

I paired this top with my gold pleated skirt. I purchased this skirt from Burlington, surprisingly! I absolutely adore this skirt for its elegance and simplicity. You can dress it up or down, either way it won’t lose its beauty.

I wore my black flats that tie around the ankle. I purchased these shoes from Old Navy.

Tonight, I wore the same shirt I wore today…just in a different color 🙂 My shirt tonight was white, with seersucker ruffles!


And, I paired this shirt with…ANOTHER pleated skirt!

Are you noticing a pattern? 🙂

I love pleated skirts! This is probably one of the oldest pleated skirts that I own! I bought this skirt years ago at the BCBG outlet in Myrtle Beach. It’s still hanging on 🙂

My favorite thing about this navy blue skirt is the light shimmer that coats the material. I love the quality of the skirt as well. I paid a pretty penny for this skirt, but it definitely was worth it. I’ve had this skirt for YEARS, and it’s still in great condition!

I wanted to add a little pizazz to my outfit, so I accessorized this blue and white outfit with my coral Steve Madden pumps with a bow on the top.

Today, we had a full and exciting time in the Lord! I’m so excited to see what the rest of the week has in store 🙂

With Love,

The Modest Mom

Opening Night of Convention

Hallelujah! Convention is finally here!

As I explained in the previous post, service started tonight-so I only have one outfit to post. Tomorrow, I will be providing you all with two outfits (day session and night service).

Twinsies! Sis. Tina B. and I sporting the same outfit (almost). Great minds think alike! 

My shirt was purchased from H&M. Surprisingly, H&M is becoming modest-friendly! There are so many midi and maxi skirts in there now! I remember when stores like that only provided the consumer with knee length and higher. Thank you Jesus for the change 🙂

This shirt was $14.99, which is a little pricey for a t-shirt of this sort. The bodice of the shirt is t-shirt material, but the sleeves are the material of a blouse. The layered bell sleeve of this shirt made this purchase absolutely necessary.

I’m actually glad I wore this shirt tonight because I was so hot today; and, the material of this shirt was breathable. One thing that I love about this shirt is the simplicity of it, because my skirt was doing THE MOST 🙂

My beautiful yellow, purple, and black skirt was purchased at an afternoon tea that I attended with my grandmother and mother-in-love! There were different vendors at the tea and of course we had to make our way to the lady with the skirt rack 🙂 We all left with skirts!

I LOVE the fullness of this skirt! It gives me so much life! I also loooove the print of this skirt. I don’t own any African attire, or anything with African print-so this was a very exciting purchase for me.

I wore my Tory Burch black flats with this outfit.

*record scratch noise* WHAT?!

Why did I wear flats on opening convention night? Because I was hot and my body was tired. That is all 🙂

**Ladies, your comfort is most important! Don’t forsake your health or comfort for glitz and glam. It’s not worth it!

With Love,

The Modest Mom

I Feel Convention in the Air!

“I feel Convention in the aiiiiiir, I feel Convention everywheeeeeere” -Sis. Altia Hamm, Greater Highway Church of Christ-Marion, SC.

Hear ye! Hear ye!

The Greater Highway Church of Christ, Inc. will be hosting its National Sunday School and Youth Convention in Wallingford, PA this year! Services will begin Wednesday night, July 12 and conclude Saturday, July 15.

The convention will primarily be displaying our youth through song and exhortation-along with other gifts and talents during the day. The evening services will be full of awesome singing and dynamic preaching by our youth choirs anointed ministers!

I will be posting every night of the convention to show you what I wore, beginning Wednesday. I will also be doing fashion features with some of the saints! Convention is “a big deal”, so everyone will be stepping out in their best!

When we all get together, it’s like a goody bag full of modesty 🙂 I’m so excited!

I’m anticipating lifting up the name of Jesus with my brothers and sisters, near and far!

Stay tuned!!!

With Love,
The Modest Mom

Wynton’s Casual Vacation Attire

I promised you all that I would review my children’s outfits as well…so here it is 🙂


I figured that I probably would do more dress wear than casual, but I’m starting with casual wear on this post because we are out of town and I packed a lot of cute “vacay wear” that I’d like to share 🙂

This is my oldest son, Wynton and he is two years old. Wynton is a super independent and bright old soul. My favorite thing about him is his sweet and kind heart, AND I love how his intelligence is evident in everything he does. My smart boy 🙂

This is my miracle baby. He was born at 24 wks, weighing only one pound and seven ounces. The Lord is good! My big boy isn’t on one machine, he’s not taking any medicine, and he’s developing beautifully!


Wynton is wearing a neon pink shirt, with “Awesome Crew” written on the front in navy blue. I purchased this shirt from Carter’s for about $3. I love the colors of this shirt and I felt that it was perfect for the summer.

Like any other parent, I like Carter’s. But, I don’t shop there too often because they carry mostly play wear, and as I mentioned before, my boys dress up more than they dress down. So, I just don’t go in there unless they are having some type of insane sale.

I paired this shirt with khaki shorts that fold at the bottom. I love khaki anything on little boys 🙂 I think it is the cutest thing! I purchased these khakis from Target for about $4.

I love Target’s clothes! Actually, I love Target everything 🙂 Every time I go to Target, I make a bee line to the baby/toddler section first. I think their clothes are perfectly priced for the style and quality offered.

Tip: Download the Target app, Cartwheel. That app is the truth! Do you hear me? It’s basically Target’s coupon book in app form. There is always a good deal in there for something you may need!

Wynton is wearing some burgundy Converse’s that were given to us by one of the saints! These shoes are so cute! Even though the color isn’t one of the “basic colors” (i.e. black, blue, white, brown), I feel like they can be paired with anything!

*the lego piece was given to Wynton so he could stand still for the picture 🙂


This outfit is one of my favorites from the week. Wynton is wearing a blue, white, and pink striped polo shirt from The Children’s Place. I believe I only paid around $5 for this.

My relationship with The Children’s Place is rather funny. I will quickly say that I don’t shop there that often, but in reality I do. I personally believe they are over priced, but when they put something on sale-they really do it!!!

I paired this top with some navy blue shorts with pink and white octopuses. I purchased these shorts from Target as well for about $4.

I think the contrast of prints are so cute together. I was definitely taking a risk when I put this outfit together, but I love the outcome! I believe my big boy wore it well 🙂

Lastly, Wynton is rocking his outfit with some white Nautica sneakers. My husband actually picked these out for him! These shoes were purchased from Burlington Coat Factory. I’m not sure of the price for these shoes, but I am sure they were under $20.

Hopefully, Aviram will be featured in the next clothing review I do for them!

For those with babies and toddlers, how do you get your children to cooperate for pictures?

Let me know in the comments!

With Love,

The Modest Mom